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Infectious Awards
For Enquiries

About the Event

About the Event

The International Research Awards on Infectious Diseases is an award program that recognizes and supports innovative research on infectious diseases around the world. The program aims to encourage and promote research that can help prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious diseases. The award is open to researchers working in all areas of infectious diseases, including virology, bacteriology, parasitology, and immunology. The program is designed to support both basic and applied research, with a focus on high-quality scientific research that has the potential to have a significant impact on the field of infectious diseases.

What does the award include

The profile of the award winners of each category be listed on our website and it will be maintained forever.

The certificate, medal, and Memento, and photographs will be a testimony. Further, this recognition and additional proof of hard work and achievements must be globally accessible for Researchers and hence will be available online 24/7.

It’s an indicator of success Enhances the reputation improves the benchmark –it’s a matter of pride – Motivation – Raises the visibility of the success.



International Research Awards on Infectious Diseases

Theme: To celebrate researcher achievements and motivate theme to continue on their path



One of the primary objectives of an international conference on infectious diseases is to share and disseminate the latest knowledge and research findings related to infectious diseases. The conference provides a platform for scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals from around the world to present their research and discuss emerging issues, current challenges, and potential solutions.

The conference provides an opportunity for attendees to network, connect with peers and potential collaborators, and build partnerships for future research and clinical collaborations. These collaborations can lead to more effective strategies for combating infectious diseases.

Conferences may include sessions and workshops that provide education and training on infectious diseases, their prevention, and treatment. This can benefit healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the general public by increasing their knowledge and awareness of infectious diseases.

Conferences can bring together policymakers, government officials, and experts to discuss and develop policies for combating infectious diseases. These policies can help to improve public health and reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

Conferences may provide a platform for companies to showcase their latest products, services, and technologies related to infectious diseases. This can facilitate the adoption and integration of new technologies into clinical practice, leading to better diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.



Pencis publishes original research papers, review papers and management reports, conference publications, thesis, videos, books, and news on various themes of scientific research. Articles Published in our Open Access Journals are Peer Reviewed. We establish our Relationship with the scholars and the Universities through various activities such as seminars, workshops, conferences, and Symposia. We are a decisive, conclusive & fast-moving company open to new ideas and ingenious publishing. We also preserve long-term relationships with our authors and support them throughout their careers. We acquire, develop and distribute knowledge by disseminating scholarly and professional materials around the world. All  Journals published by us maintain the highest standards of quality, with Editorial Boards composed of scholars & Experts from around the world.

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations

International Research Awards on Infectious Diseases, organized by Pencis group.

26th Edition of  Infectious Summit | 16-19 April 2025 | London, United Kingdom

27th Edition of  Infectious Summit | 23-25 June 2025 | San Francisco, United States

28th Edition of  Infectious Summit |20-22 August 2025 | Berlin, Germany

29th Edition of Infectious Summit | 15-17 October 2025 | Paris, France

30th Edition of Infectious Summit | 04-06 December 2025 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Research Awards

Research Awards

Young Scientist Award: This Awarded to researchers who are in the early stage of their career for outstanding research in their field. This award is bestowed with the motive of identifying and Recognizing the young Researchers around the world who have the potential to become leaders in their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contributions, such as Collaborations and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional can nominate for the Award. Research grants for medical students are also awarded as medicine awards. He must be below 35 years of age as of the conference date.

Best Researcher Award: This Awarded to the Best researcher in any field for their significant contribution for the advancement in their field of expertise. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contributions, such as Collaborations, Contracts and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional can nominate for the Award. There is no age limit for the Best Researcher Award category.

Outstanding Scientist Award: Exceptional research record of significant contribution to the institute/company. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contributions, such as Grants, Patents, Collaborations, Contracts, Books, and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional can nominate for the Award. He must be above 35 years of age as of the conference date.

Lifetime Achievement Award: This Exceptional research record of significant contribution to the institute/company. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contributions, such as Grants, Patents, Collaborations, Contracts, Books, and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional can nominate for the Award. He must be above 35 years of age as of the conference date.

Women Researcher Award: Awarded to the Best women researcher in any field for their significant contribution for the advancement in their field of expertise. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contributions, such as Collaborations, Contracts, and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional can nominate for the Award.

Best Innovation Award: This  Awarded to researchers/institutes/Organisations who are in the early stage of their careers for outstanding innovation in their field. This award is bestowed with the motive of identifying and Recognizing the Researchers/institutes/organizations around the world who have the potential to become leaders in their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contributions, such as Collaborations and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional/ Institute/ Organization can nominate for the Award.

Best Faculty Award: This Awarded to the Best Faculty in any field for their significant contribution to the advancement in their field of expertise. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research/ Academic contributions, such as Collaborations, Contracts, and Publications. Eligibility: A working professional can nominate for the Award.

Best Scholar Award: This Awarded to Scholar/ Student who are in the early stage of their career for outstanding research in their field. This award is bestowed in the motive of identifying and Recognizing the young Researchers scholar/ Student around the world who have the potential to become leaders in their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contribution, such as Publications. Eligibility: A scholar can nominate for the Award.

Institute/ Organization Awards

Institute/ Organization Awards

Excellence in Innovation: This Awarded to Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries who are in the early stage of their career for outstanding innovation in their field. This award is bestowed with the motive of identifying and Recognizing the Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries around the world who have the potential to become leaders n their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in innovation contribution, such as Innovation, Patent, Entrepreneurship, and New project development. Eligibility: A Institute /Organization/ Industries can nominate for the Award.

Excellence in Research: This Awarded to Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries who are in the early stage of their career for outstanding research in their field. This award is bestowed with the motive of identifying and Recognizing the Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries around the world who have the potential to become leaders n their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research contribution, such as publication, research Grants, Research & developments, Entrepreneurship development. Eligibility: A Institute /Organization/ Industries can nominate for the Award.

Excellence Award (Any Scientific field): This Awarded to Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries who are in the early stage of their career for outstanding excellence in their field. This award is bestowed in the motive of identifying and Recognizing the Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries around the world who have the potential to become leaders n their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in their field contribution, such as Advancement, New Technology, and Development. Eligibility: A Institute /Organization/ Industries can nominate for the Award.

Best Research /Innovation Extension activity: This  Awarded to Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries who are in the early stage of their career for outstanding Research/ innovation in their field. This award is bestowed in the motive of identifying and Recognizing the Institute/ Organization/ Business/ Industries around the world who have the potential to become leaders n their field. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in their field contribution, such as Extension, Public useful innovation /Research Activities, Innovative services, Awareness programs and New Medical awareness Development. Eligibility: A Institute /Organization/ Industries can nominate for the Award.

How to Apply

How to Apply

The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Nominate /Submit Your Profile (CV) Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit it.

This section describes the total Research Awards processes in a step by steps:

  1. Received Nomination documents will be sent for the screening process
  2. Acknowledgment intimation via email will be communicated to the Nominee
  3. The team may ask the proof for the credits mentioned in the Resume.
  4. Cross verifying the documents submitted & forwarding them to the Committee.
  5. The selected candidate indicated through email. Also, the selected nominees will be checked anytime on the website to track my submission.
  6. Event and Celebration Registration
  7. Release of the winners list on the official web page
  8. Award presentation ceremony
  9. Release of the Award winners and his profile Report.


Registration Details

Registration Covers

  • An exclusive web page for a highly rated profile of the award winners will always be available online.
  • Participation to  Award event Session and Keynote session.
  • Certificate, Memento, and Photographs.
  • Event Kit, Tea, Coffee & Snacks.
  • Veg & Non-Veg Lunch during the Event.
  • Event and Celebration Registration
  • Release of the winners list in the official web page
  • Award presentation ceremony
  • Release of the Award winners and his profile Report.

Registration Procedure

Click the “Register Now” button on the conference page and enter your Submission ID in the Search Box
Your Submissions will be listed on that page. You can find the Register Now link beside your submission. Click the link and now you will be redirected to the Conference registration form where you can make your registration using credit/debit cards

Committee Members

Committee Members

TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry
Assist. Prof. Dr.PeymanKhademiLorestan UniversityIran
Prof DrMohammedGomaaMinia University HospitalEgypt
DrHassanElsayedBiotechnology Research Institute, National Research CentreEgypt
DrNaeemBalogunUniversity of IlorinNigeria
Assoc Prof DrSohaSenaraFayoum University EgyptEgypt
DrSeyed MostafaHosseiniHamadan University of Medical SciencesIran
DrShikhaSinghRama Devi Women's UniversityIndia
DrTadewosDamenaWachemo UniversityEthiopia
DrPragyaKomalBITS Pilani Hyderabad CampusIndia
DrSaeidAboueiAndrology Research Center, Yazd Reproductive Science Institute, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, IranIran
Assist Prof DrLaw KumarSinghGLA UniversityIndia
DrBasharatHamidUniversity of KashmirIndia
DrYasinFadaeiModeling in Health Research Center, Shahrekord University of Medical SciencesIran
MrMd. MominIslamUniversity of DhakaBangladesh
DrMashooq AhmadDarUniversity of Kashmir-IndiaIndia
DrTahminehAziziUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonUnited States
DrFufaQuChangsha UniversityChina
ProfZaheerUl-HaqDr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug ResearchPakistan
Assist Prof DrHastiKamali SarvestaniTehran University of Medical SciencesIran
DrMuthukumarKrishnanAnna UniversityIndia
MrOusmanMohammedWollo UniversityEthiopia
MrAbdullahN/AAbdul Wali Khan University MardanPakistan
Assist Prof DrAyeshehEnayatiGolestan university of medical sciencesIran
DrMohamedSeadawyEgyptian ArmyEgypt
MrMohammadMehmandoustJacobs UniversityGermany
DrNitinChauhanDilla university, DillaEthiopia
DrAmeer MezherHadiBabylon UniversityIraq
Assist Prof DrRanaHilalKasr Al Ainy Hospital University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo universityEgypt
DrMohamedIssaUniversity of ZagazigEgypt
Prof DrFatmaMoharrampharmacognosy department. Faculty of pharmacy. Helwan UniversityEgypt
DrZulhisyamAbdul KariUniversiti Malaysia KelantanMalaysia
Prof DrMogeddaHaibaNational Research CenterEgypt
Assoc Prof DrTamerRagabNational Researh CenterEgypt
MrsHendElshebrawyMansoura University, EgyptEgypt
Assoc Prof DrBassmaElwakilPharos University in AlexandriaEgypt
ProfMohammad rezaShakibaiekerman university of medical sciences Kerman, IranIran
Assist Prof DrKhaterehKhorsandiACECRIran
DrFarzadBadmastiPasteur Institute of IranIran
DrMohaddesehShahabi NejadShahid Bahonar UniversityIran
Assoc Prof DrFatemehKalaliniaSchool of Pharmacy, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, IranIran
Assist Prof DrMohamedHusseinAswan UniversityEgypt
Assoc Prof DrSedkyHassanNew Valley UniversityEgypt
Assoc Prof DrMamdouhMohamedPharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy Sohag UniversityEgypt
Assoc Prof DrAhmed MohammedAbu-Dief MohammedSohag UniversityEgypt
ProfIhabAshoushFaculty of Agricultural, Ain Shams UniversityEgypt
Assist Prof DrHamdyAbdel-GhafarCentral metallurgical research and development instituteEgypt
DrOfosuhene OkofrobourApentengTechnical University of DenmarkDenmark
DrNedjmaLounesHigher National Veterinary SchoolAlgeria
DrSirousSadeghian ChaleshtoriDepartment of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, IranIran
ProfGholamrezaHatamShiraz University of Medical SciencesIran
DrMasoudKeikhaMashhad universty of medical sciencesIran
DrAbbasSharifiUrmia University of TechnologyIran
Prof DrCarlos HenriqueMartinsFederal University of UberlândiaBrazil
DrNourElsahoryiDepartment of Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of Petra, Amman, JordanJordan
DrSoudabehEtemadiZahedan university of medical scienceIran
Assist Prof DrMohamedRizkMansoura UniversityEgypt
Drhosseinforuozandehblood transfusion organizationIran
Assist Prof DrMohammad RezaMahmoudiFasa UniversityIran
MrSierkMarbusNational Healthcare InstituteNetherlands
ProfMohamedJaberAjman UniversityUnited Arab Emirates
DrMaherAlarajZayed UniversityUnited Arab Emirates
TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry


General Instructions to Nominees

  1. The candidates with proper eligibility are requested to submit the online nomination form in order to get nominated for the award
  2. If your nomination is accepted by our Judges, we will send you an email regarding your profile selection
  3. Awardees must register for the event
  4. Dress Code: Award Recipients have to wear a formal dress. There are no restrictions on Color or design. The audience attending only the ceremony can wear clothing of their own choice.
  5. General Information: Each winner's name will be called & asked to collect their Awards on the Stage with an official photographer to capture the moments.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Pencis Terms & Conditions policy was last updated on June 25, 2022.

Privacy Policy

International Conferences on Infectious Diseases Customer personal information for our legitimate business purposes, to process and respond to inquiries, and provide our services, to manage our relationship with editors, authors, institutional clients, service providers, and other business contacts, to market our services and subscription management. We do not sell, rent/ trade your personal information to third parties.


International Conferences on Infectious Diseases Operate a Customer Association Management and email list program, which we use to inform customers and other contacts about our services, including our publications and events. Such marketing messages may contain tracking technologies to track subscriber activity relating to engagement, demographics, and other data, and to build subscriber profiles.


International Conferences on Infectious Diseases All editorial matter published on this website represents the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Publisher with the publications. Statements and opinions expressed do not represent the official policies of the relevant associations unless so stated. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material that appears on this website. Please ignore, however, that some errors may occur.


International Conferences on Infectious Diseases Delegates are personally responsible for their belongings at the venue. The Organizers will not be held accountable for any stolen or missing items belonging to Delegates, Speakers, or Attendees; due to any reason whatsoever.


International Conferences on Infectious Diseases Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind.

Press and Media

Press permission must be getting from the Pencis Conferences Organizing Committee before the event. The press will not quote speakers or delegates unless they have obtained their approval in writing. This conference is not associated with any commercial meeting company.


International Conferences on Infectious Diseases Please note that any (or) all traffic and parking is the responsibility of the registrant.

Requesting an Invitation Letter

International Conferences on Infectious Diseases For security purposes, the letter of invitation will be sent only to those individuals who had registered for the conference. Once your registration is complete, please contact to request a personalized letter of invitation.

Cancellation Policy

If International Conferences on Infectious Diseases cancels this event for any reason, you will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee paid. You may use this credit for another International Conferences on Infectious Diseases which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation.

Postponement Policy

If International Conferences on Infectious Diseases postpones an event for any reason and you are unable or indisposed to attend on rescheduled dates, you will receive a credit for 100% of the registration fee paid. You may use this credit for another Pencis event which must occur within one year from the date of postponement.

Transfer of registration

All fully paid registrations are transferable to other persons from the same organization if the registered person is unable to attend the event. The registered person must make transfers in writing to Details must include the full name of alternative person, their title, contact phone number, and email address. All other registration details will be assigned to the new person unless otherwise specified. Registration can be transferred to one conference to another conference of Pencis if the person is unable to attend one of the meetings. However, Registration cannot be transferred if it will intimated within 14 days of the particular conference. The transferred registrations will not be eligible for Refund.

Visa Information

Keeping given increased security measures, we would like to request all the participants to apply for Visa as soon as possible. International Conferences on Infectious Diseases will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants. All delegates or invitees should apply for Business Visa only. Important note for failed visa applications: Visa issues cannot come under the consideration of the cancellation policy of the International Conferences on Infectious Diseases, including the inability to obtain a visa.

Refund Policy

International Conferences on Infectious Diseases Regarding refunds, all bank charges will be for the registrant's account. All cancellations or modifications of registration must make in writing to

If the registrant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer his/her participation to another person or event, then the following refund arrangements apply:

Keeping given advance payments towards Venue, Printing, Shipping, Hotels and other overheads, we had to keep Refund Policy is as following conditions,

Before 60 days of the Conference: Eligible for Full Refund less $100 Service Fee
Within 60-30 days of Conference: Eligible for 50% of payment Refund
Within 30 days of Conference: Not eligible for Refund
E-Poster Payments will not be refunded.

Accommodation Cancellation Policy

Infectious Diseases Accommodation Providers such as hotels have their cancellation policies, and they generally apply when cancellations are made less than 30 days before arrival. Please contact us as soon as possible if you wish to cancel or amend your accommodation. Pencis will advise the cancellation policy of your accommodation provider, before withdrawing or changing your booking, to ensure you are fully aware of any non-refundable deposits.



International Conferences on Infectious Diseases warmly invites you to sponsor or exhibit of International Conference. We expect participants more than 200 numbers for our International conference will provide an opportunity to hear and meet/ads to Researchers, Practitioners, and Business Professionals to share expertise, foster collaborations, and assess rising innovations across the world in the core area of mechanical engineering.

Sponsorship Details

Diamond Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  2. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  3. Four (4) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  4. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  5. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  6. One exhibition stand (1×1 meters) for the conference
  7. One full cover page size ad in conference proceedings
  8. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  9. Opportunity to sponsors conference kit
  10. Opportunity to sponsors conference lanyards, ID cards
  11. Opportunity to sponsors conference lunch
  12. Recognition of video ads
  13. 150-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Platinum Sponsorship

  1. Three (3) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  2. Recognition of video ads
  3. Opportunity to sponsors conference lunch
  4. Opportunity to sponsors conference lanyards, ID cards
  5. Opportunity to sponsors conference kit
  6. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  7. One full-page size ad in conference proceedings
  8. One exhibition stand (1×1 meters) for the conference
  9. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  10. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  11. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  12. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  13. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Gold Sponsorship

  1. Two (2) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  2. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  3. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  4. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  5. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  6. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  7. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack
  8. ½ page size ad in conference proceedings

Silver Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  2. One(1) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  3. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  4. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  5. ¼ page size ad in conference proceedings
  6. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Individual Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  2. One(1) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch

Sponsorship Registration Fees

Details Registration fees
Diamond Sponsorship USD 2999
Platinum Sponsorship USD 2499
Gold Sponsorship USD 1999
Silver Sponsorship USD 1499
Individual Sponsorship USD 999

Related Journals

Related Journals

1. The Lancet Infectious Diseases - University College London, UK - Citation: 58,140 - H-index: 148 | 2. Clinical Infectious Diseases - Duke University, USA - Citation: 136,707 - H-index: 198 | 3. PLOS Pathogens - University of California, USA - Citation: 37,465 - H-index: 131 | 4. Emerging Infectious Diseases - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA - Citation: 83,860 - H-index: 141 | 5. Journal of Infectious Diseases - University of Chicago, USA - Citation: 164,486 - H-index: 241 | 6. Nature Microbiology - Multiple institutions - Citation: 45,781 - H-index: 99 | 7. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - American Society for Microbiology, USA - Citation: 161,482 - H-index: 191 | 8. mBio - American Society for Microbiology, USA - Citation: 30,666 - H-index: 105 | 9. Journal of Virology - American Society for Microbiology, USA - Citation: 179,950 - H-index: 234 | 10. Journal of Clinical Microbiology - American Society for Microbiology, USA - Citation: 156,506 - H-index: 199 | 11. Vaccine - Elsevier, Netherlands - Citation: 148,927 - H-index: 203 | 12. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology - Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, USA - Citation: 56,925 - H-index: 108 | 13. Journal of Medical Virology - Wiley, USA - Citation: 41,793 - H-index: 104 | 14. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Oxford University Press, UK - Citation: 85,737 - H-index: 155 | 15. Journal of Hospital Infection - Elsevier, Netherlands - Citation: 28,369 - H-index: 84 | 16. International Journal of Infectious Diseases - Elsevier, Netherlands - Citation: 27,002 - H-index: 77 | 17. The Journal of Infectious Diseases - Johns Hopkins University, USA - Citation: 164,486 - H-index: 241 | 18. Journal of Medical Microbiology - Society for General Microbiology, UK - Citation: 25,860 - H-index: 76 | 19. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance - Elsevier, Netherlands - Citation: 3,785 - H-index: 20 | 20. Journal of Infection and Public Health - King Saud University, Saudi Arabia - Citation: 5,449 - H-index: 23 | 21. Viruses - MDPI, Switzerland - Citation: 17,040 - H-index: 70 | 22. BMC Infectious Diseases - Springer, Germany - Citation: 39,157 - H-index: 118 | 23. Frontiers in Microbiology - Frontiers, Switzerland - Citation: 41,934 - H-index: 118 | 24. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection - National Taiwan University, Taiwan - Citation: 9,090 - H-index: 44 | 25. Microbial Drug Resistance - Mary Ann Liebert, USA - Citation: 6,880 - H-index: 44 | 26. Journal of Medical Entomology - Entomological Society of America, USA - Citation: 15,238 - H-index: 71 | 27. Journal of Bacteriology - American Society for Microbiology, USA - Citation: 132,522 - H-index: | 28. New England Journal of Medicine - Harvard Medical School, USA - 736,319 citations, H-index of 958 | 29. The Lancet - University College London, UK - 337,385 citations, H-index of 704 | 30. PLoS ONE - Public Library of Science, USA - 322,659 citations, H-index of 278 | 31. The Journal of Infectious Diseases - University of Chicago, USA - 191,978 citations, H-index of 242 | 32. Clinical Infectious Diseases - Oxford University, UK - 184,869 citations, H-index of 265 | 33. Nature Reviews Microbiology - University of Zurich, Switzerland - 179,018 citations, H-index of 237 | 34. Nature Communications - University College London, UK - 177,923 citations, H-index of 307 | 35. The Lancet Infectious Diseases - University College London, UK - 174,783 citations, H-index of 238 | 36. Journal of Virology - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA - 161,022 citations, H-index of 259 | 37. Science Translational Medicine - Stanford University, USA - 154,305 citations, H-index of 246 | 38. Trends in Microbiology - University of California, San Diego, USA - 142,982 citations, H-index of 207 | 39. Journal of Clinical Microbiology - University of Washington, USA - 133,986 citations, H-index of 197 | 40. Cell Host & Microbe - Harvard Medical School, USA - 132,387 citations, H-index of 187 | 41. Journal of Medical Virology - Columbia University, USA - 125,244 citations, H-index of 176 | 42. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - University of California, San Diego, USA - 120,269 citations, H-index of 193 | 43. mBio - University of Maryland, USA - 118,276 citations, H-index of 167 | 44. Nature Microbiology - University of Zurich, Switzerland - 117,181 citations, H-index of 167 | 45. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA - 109,773 citations, H-index of 115 | 46. Frontiers in Microbiology - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland - 103,103 citations, H-index of 143 | 47. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - University of Birmingham, UK - 98,731 citations, H-index of 148 | 48. Emerging Infectious Diseases - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA - 95,572 citations, H-index of 137 | 49. Virulence - University of British Columbia, Canada - 94,759 citations, H-index of 119 | 50. Journal of Bacteriology - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA - 94,440 citations, H-index of 138 | 51. BMC Infectious Diseases - University of Basel, Switzerland - 88,634 citations, H-index of 119 | 52. Journal of Medical Microbiology - University of Bristol, UK - 88,067 citations, H-index of 131 | 53. Microbes and Infection - Université Paris Descartes | 54. Nature Medicine, USA, 168, H-index: 433 | 55. Lancet Infectious Diseases, UK, 96, H-index: 184 | 56. Journal of Infectious Diseases, USA, 146, H-index: 167 | 57. Clinical Infectious Diseases, USA, 142, H-index: 162 | 58. PLoS Pathogens, USA, 133, H-index: 144 | 59. Journal of Virology, USA, 105, H-index: 140 | 60. mBio, USA, 108, H-index: 134 | 61. Trends in Microbiology, UK, 105, H-index: 132 | 62. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, USA, 127, H-index: 125 | 63. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, UK, 97, H-index: 124 | 64. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, USA, 111, H-index: 123 | 65. Emerging Infectious Diseases, USA, 104, H-index: 121 | 66. AIDS, UK, 113, H-index: 119 | 67. Journal of Immunology, USA, 104, H-index: 115 | 68. Vaccine, Netherlands, 133, H-index: 113 | 69. Infection and Immunity, USA, 98, H-index: 112 | 70. Journal of Bacteriology, USA, 96, H-index: 110 | 71. Microbes and Infection, France, 86, H-index: 106 | 72. Nature Communications, UK, 100, H-index: 104 | 73. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy, USA, 84, H-index: 102 | 74. Journal of Medical Virology, USA, 102, H-index: 99 | 75. Journal of the International AIDS Society, Switzerland, 71, H-index: 98 | 76. Journal of General Virology, UK, 86, H-index: 97 | 77. Journal of Virological Methods, Netherlands, 83, H-index: 96 | 78. Molecular Microbiology, UK, 83, H-index: 95 | 79. Journal of Medical Microbiology, UK, 73, H-index: 92 | 80. Journal of Microbiology, South Korea, 59, H-index: 91 | 81. PLoS ONE, USA, 92, H-index: 91 | 82. Journal of Experimental Medicine, USA, 88, H-index: 90 | 83. Current Opinion in Microbiology, USA, 87, H-index: 89 | 84. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, USA, 90, H-index: 88 | 85. Microbial Pathogenesis, UK, 70, H-index: 86 | 86. Journal of Medical Entomology, USA, 65, H-index: 86 | 87. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, USA, 64, H-index: 84 | 88. Journal of Hospital Infection, UK, 67, H-index: 83 | 89. Future Microbiology, UK, 69, H-index: 83 | 90. Journal of Immunotherapy, USA, 61, H-index: 82 | 91. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, USA, 73, H-index: 81 | 92. Nature Reviews Microbiology, UK, 75, H-index

Popular Books

Popular Books

1. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser (Elsevier, 9th edition, 2019) | 2. Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course by Frederick Southwick (McGraw-Hill Education, 4th edition, 2021) | 3. Harrison\'s Infectious Diseases by Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, and Stephen L. Hauser (McGraw-Hill Education, 3rd edition, 2017) | 4. Clinical Infectious Disease by David Schlossberg (Cambridge University Press, 3rd edition, 2013) | 5. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett\'s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser (Elsevier, 8th edition, 2015) | 6. Infectious Diseases: A Geographic Guide by Eskild Petersen, Lin H. Chen, and Patricia Schlagenhauf (Wiley-Blackwell, 3rd edition, 2020) | 7. Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance by Lisa A. Beltz (Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd edition, 2019) | 8. Principles of Virology by Jane Flint, Vincent R. Racaniello, and Glenn F. Rall (ASM Press, 4th edition, 2015) | 9. Medical Microbiology by Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, and Michael A. Pfaller (Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020) | 10. Parasitic Diseases by Dickson D. Despommier (Columbia University Press, 6th edition, 2017) | 11. \"Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases\" by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser, Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020. | 12. \"Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett\'s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases\" by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser, Elsevier, 8th edition, 2015. | 13. \"Medical Microbiology\" by Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, and Michael A. Pfaller, Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020. | 14. \"Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple\" by Mark Gladwin and Bill Trattler, MedMaster, 7th edition, 2019. | 15. \"The Immune System, Fourth Edition\" by Peter Parham, Garland Science, 4th edition, 2014. | 16. \"Microbiology: An Introduction\" by Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, and Christine L. Case, Pearson, 13th edition, 2021. | 17. \"Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course, Third Edition\" by Frederick S. Southwick, McGraw-Hill Education, 3rd edition, 2013. | 18. \"Medical Microbiology and Immunology: Examination and Board Review\" by Warren Levinson and Ernest Jawetz, McGraw-Hill Education, 14th edition, 2021. | 19. \"Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology\" by Connie R. Mahon, Donald C. Lehman, and George Manuselis, Elsevier, 8th edition, 2019. | 20. \"Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach\" by Brenda A. Wilson, Abigail A. Salyers, Dixie D. Whitt, and Malcolm E. Winkler, ASM Press, 4th edition, 2010. | 21. \"Clinical Infectious Disease, Second Edition\" by David Schlossberg, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2015. | 22. \"Antibiotic Basics for Clinicians: The ABCs of Choosing the Right Antibacterial Agent\" by Alan R. Hauser, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 3rd edition, 2021. | 23. \"Emerging Infectious Diseases: Trends and Issues\" by Felissa R. Lashley and Jerry D. Durham, Springer, 2nd edition, 2020. | 24. \"Essentials of Clinical Infectious Diseases\" by William F. Wright, Jr., Springer, 2nd edition, 2019. | 25. \"The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy\" by David N. Gilbert and Robert C. Moellering Jr., Antimicrobial Therapy Inc., 51st edition, 2021. | 26. \"Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Theory and Practice\" by Kenrad E. Nelson and Carolyn Williams, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 3rd edition, 2014. | 27. \"Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases\" by Ralph D. Feigin and James Cherry, Elsevier, 7th edition, 2019. | 28. \"Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology\" by Estée Török, Ed Moran, and Fiona Cooke, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2017. | 29. \"Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant\" by Jack S. Remington, Jerome O. Klein, and Christopher B. Wilson, Elsevier, 8th edition, 2015. | 30. \"Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance\" by | 31. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, edited by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser, Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020 | 32. Harrison\'s Principles of Internal Medicine, edited by J. Larry Jameson, Anthony S. Fauci, Dennis L. Kasper, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, and Joseph Loscalzo, McGraw Hill, 20th edition, 2018 | 33. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett\'s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, edited by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser, Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020 | 34. Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course, edited by Frederick S. Southwick, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2019 | 35. Medical Microbiology, edited by Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, and Michael A. Pfaller, Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020 | 36. Atlas of Human Infectious Diseases, edited by Heiman F.L. Wertheim and Peter Horby, Wiley Blackwell, 1st edition, 2012 | 37. Infectious Diseases in Children: A Clinical Guide for Nurses, edited by Marilyn J. Hockenberry, Elsevier, 5th edition, 2015 | 38. Infectious Diseases: Expert Consult - Online and Print, edited by Jonathan Cohen, William G. Powderly, and Steven M. Opal, Elsevier, 4th edition, 2016 | 39. Red Book: 2018-2021 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, edited by David W. Kimberlin, Sarah S. Long, and Michael T. Brady, American Academy of Pediatrics, 31st edition, 2018 | 40. Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, edited by James D. Cherry, Gail J. Demmler-Harrison, Sheldon L. Kaplan, and William J. Steinbach, Elsevier, 8th edition, 2019 | 41. Tropical Infectious Diseases: Principles, Pathogens and Practice, edited by Richard L. Guerrant, David H. Walker, and Peter F. Weller, Saunders, 3rd edition, 2011 | 42. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, edited by David L. Heymann, American Public Health Association, 20th edition, 2015 | 43. Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance, edited by Lisa A. Beltz, Wiley Blackwell, 1st edition, 2011 | 44. Antibiotics Simplified, edited by Jason C. Gallagher, Jones and Bartlett Learning, 4th edition, 2021 | 45. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, edited by Patrick R. Murray, Ellen Jo Baron, J. Michael Janda, Michael A. Pfaller, and Marie Louise Landry, Elsevier, 5th edition, 2020 | 46. Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, edited by Estée Török, Ed Moran, and Fiona Cooke, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2017 | 47. Essentials of Clinical Infectious Diseases, edited by William F. Wright, Springer, 2nd edition, 2019 | 48. Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control, edited by C. Glen Mayhall, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 4th edition, 2012 | 49. The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual, edited by Christopher A. Sanford and Elaine C. Jong, Elsevier, 5th | 50. Harrison\'s Principles of Internal Medicine - McGraw-Hill Education, 20th Edition, 2018 | 51. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett\'s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases - Elsevier, 9th Edition, 2020 | 52. Clinical Infectious Diseases - Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition, 2008 | 53. Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course - Wiley-Blackwell, 3rd Edition, 2013 | 54. Principles of Virology - ASM Press, 4th Edition, 2015 | 55. Medical Microbiology - Elsevier, 8th Edition, 2019 | 56. Essentials of Clinical Infectious Diseases - Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2019 | 57. Atlas of Human Infectious Diseases - Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 2012 | 58. Infectious Diseases: A Geographic Guide - Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 2009 | 59. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Patient - Elsevier, 5th Edition, 2017 | 60. Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Anti-Infective Agents and Their Use in Therapy - CRC Press, 10th Edition, 2014 | 61. Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Infectious Diseases - McGraw-Hill Education, 1st Edition, 2019 | 62. Red Book: 2018-2021 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases - American Academy of Pediatrics, 31st Edition, 2018 | 63. Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance - Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 2011 | 64. Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course - Wiley-Blackwell, 4th Edition, 2021 | 65. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set - Elsevier, 9th Edition, 2020 | 66. Immunology and Microbiology - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1st Edition, 2016 | 67. Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance - Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 2012 | 68. Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on the Move - CRC Press, 1st Edition, 2016 | 69. Basic Concepts of Infectious Disease Epidemiology - CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2018 | 70. Pathogenicity of Human Herpesviruses due to Specific Pathogenicity Genes - Springer, 1st Edition, 2018 | 71. Antimicrobial Stewardship: Principles and Practice - Springer, 1st Edition, 2019 | 72. Understanding and Managing Infectious Diseases in Immune-Compromised Patients - CRC Press, 1st Edition, 2019 | 73. Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance - Wiley-Blackwell, 4th Edition, 2019 | 74. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual - American Public Health Association, 20th Edition, 2015 | 75. Diagnosis and Management of Infectious Diseases - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1st Edition, 2018 | 76. Infectious Disease: A Very Short Introduction - Oxford University Press, 1st Edition, 2018 | 77. Microbial Ecology and Infectious Disease - Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 2018 | 78. Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible from Animals to Humans - ASM Press, 4th Edition, 2016 | 79. HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS - ASM Press, 3rd Edition, 200 | 80. \"Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases\" by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser; Elsevier, 9th edition, 2020 | 81. \"Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett\'s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases\" by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, and Martin J. Blaser; Elsevier, 8th edition, 2015 | 82. \"Harrison\'s Principles of Internal Medicine\" by Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, and Joseph Loscalzo; McGraw-Hill, 20th edition, 2018 | 83. \"Oxford Textbook of Infectious Disease Control: A Geographical Analysis from Oxford\" by Mike Catchpole, Paul Kellam, and Mary Ramsay; Oxford University Press, 2013 | 84. \"Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course\" by Frederick Southwick; McGraw-Hill Education, 4th edition, 2017 | 85. \"Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Theory and Practice\" by Kenrad E. Nelson and Carolyn Williams; Jones & Bartlett Learning, 3rd edition, 2013 | 86. \"Manual of Clinical Microbiology\" by James H. Jorgensen, Michael A. Pfaller, and Karen C. Carroll; ASM Press, 11th edition, 2015 | 87. \"Topley and Wilson\'s Microbiology and Microbial Infections\" edited by Brian W.J. Mahy and Volker ter Meulen; Wiley-Blackwell, 10th edition, 2010 | 88. \"Clinical Infectious Disease\" edited by David Schlossberg; Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2015 | 89. \"Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant\" edited by Jack S. Remington, Jerome O. Klein, and Christopher B. Wilson; Saunders, 7th edition, 2010 | 90. \"Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity\" by Neal Nathanson, Raphael Rubin, and Peter Palese; Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2017 | 91. \"Bacterial Infections of Humans: Epidemiology and Control\" by Philip S. Brachman and Elias Abrutyn; Springer, 4th edition, 2012 | 92. \"Molecular Virology\" by Alan J. Cann; Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd edition, 2011 | 93. \"Manual of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing\" edited by Stephen H. Gillespie and Peter M. Hawkey; ASM Press, 2nd edition, 2005 | 94. \"Human Virology\" by Leslie Collier and John Oxford; Oxford University Press, 4th edition, 2006 | 95. \"Medical Microbiology\" by Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, and Michael A. Pfaller; Elsevier, 8th edition, 2016 | 96. \"Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance\" by Lisa A. Beltz; Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 | 97. \"Infectious Diseases: Expert Consult\" edited by Jonathan Cohen and William G. Powderly; Elsevier, 3rd edition, 2010 | 98. \"Infection: Microbiology and Management\" by Peter Davey, Mark Wilcox, and Miles Denton; Wiley-Blackwell, 3rd edition, 2011 | 99. \"Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice\" edited by Robert R | 100. \"The Ghost Map: The Story of London\'s Most Terrifying Epidemic\" by Steven Johnson, published by Riverhead Books, 1st edition (2006)

Related Societies

Related Societies

1. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) - USA | 2. Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) - USA | 3. International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) - USA | 4. European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) - Europe | 5. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) - USA | 6. International Antiviral Society-USA (IAS-USA) - USA | 7. European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) - Europe | 8. Canadian Infectious Diseases Society (CIDS) - Canada | 9. British Infection Association (BIA) - UK | 10. Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) - Australia | 11. South African Society of Travel Medicine (SASTM) - South Africa | 12. International Society for Travel Medicine (ISTM) - USA | 13. International Society for Chemotherapy and Infection (ISACI) - International | 14. International Society of Chemotherapy (ISC) - International | 15. International Society of Vaccines (ISV) - USA | 16. International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV) - UK | 17. International Society for Neurovirology (ISNV) - USA | 18. International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) - International | 19. International Society for Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISIDOG) - International | 20. International Society for Infectious Diseases of Livestock (ISIDL) - International | 21. Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand (IDAT) - Thailand | 22. Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan (IDST) - Taiwan | 23. Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID) - Japan | 24. Korean Society for Infectious Diseases (KSID) - South Korea | 25. Infectious Diseases Society of Pakistan (IDSP) - Pakistan | 26. Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID) - Philippines | 27. Infectious Diseases Society of Israel (IDSI) - Israel | 28. Mexican Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SMIDYC) - Mexico | 29. Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases (SBI) - Brazil | 30. Infectious Diseases Society of Southern Africa (IDSSA) - South Africa | 31. Infectious Diseases Association of California (IDAC) - USA | 32. Infectious Diseases Society of New York (IDSNY) - USA | 33. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) - USA | 34. American College of Epidemiology (ACE) - USA | 35. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) - USA | 36. International Association for Biologicals (IABs) - International | 37. International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) - International | 38. Society for Vector Ecology (SOVE) - USA | 39. Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) - Asia | 40. Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (CAREC) - Caribbean | 41. Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM) - UK | 42. Society for General Microbiology (SGM) - UK | 43. Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB) - USA | 44. South African Society for Clinical Microbiology (SASCM) - South Africa | 45. Australian Society for Antimicrobials (ASA) - Australia | 46. Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) - Australia | 47. Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) - Australia | 48. British Society | 49. Infectious Diseases Society of America (USA) | 50. European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Switzerland) | 51. International Society for Infectious Diseases (USA) | 52. American Society for Microbiology (USA) | 53. Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (Australia) | 54. Canadian Society of Microbiologists (Canada) | 55. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (USA) | 56. British Infection Association (UK) | 57. Asia-Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (Taiwan) | 58. Society for General Microbiology (UK) | 59. German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (Germany) | 60. Japan Society for Infectious Diseases (Japan) | 61. French Society for Microbiology (France) | 62. Brazilian Society for Infectious Diseases (Brazil) | 63. Italian Society of Clinical Microbiology (Italy) | 64. Scandinavian Society for Infectious Diseases (Sweden) | 65. Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (Spain) | 66. Israel Society for Infectious Diseases (Israel) | 67. Australian Society for Antimicrobials (Australia) | 68. Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand (Thailand) | 69. Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (USA) | 70. Russian Society for Infectious Diseases (Russia) | 71. Polish Society of Microbiologists (Poland) | 72. Irish Society for Clinical Microbiology (Ireland) | 73. South African Society for Infectious Diseases (South Africa) | 74. Association of Medical Microbiologists and Infectious Disease Specialists of Serbia (Serbia) | 75. Taiwan Society of Microbiology (Taiwan) | 76. Infectious Diseases Association of California (USA) | 77. Norwegian Society for Medical Microbiology (Norway) | 78. New Zealand Society for Microbiology (New Zealand) | 79. Malaysian Society of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy (Malaysia) | 80. Belgian Society for Microbiology (Belgium) | 81. South African Society of Microbiology (South Africa) | 82. Croatian Society of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Croatia) | 83. Jordanian Society for Microbiologists (Jordan) | 84. Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology (Netherlands) | 85. Swedish Society of Infectious Diseases (Sweden) | 86. Bangladesh Society of Infectious Diseases (Bangladesh) | 87. Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan (Taiwan) | 88. Venezuelan Society of Infectious Diseases (Venezuela) | 89. Romanian Society of Microbiology (Romania) | 90. Infectious Diseases Society of Oman (Oman) | 91. Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (Switzerland) | 92. Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Bulgaria) | 93. Danish Society for Medical Microbiology (Denmark) | 94. Mexican Society of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (Mexico) | 95. Egyptian Society for Medical Microbiology (Egypt) | 96. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (USA) | 97. Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (India) | 98. Indonesian Society of Microbiology (Indonesia) | 99. Kuwait Society of Microbiology (Kuwait) | 100. Turkish Society for Microbiology (Turkey)

Popular Researchers

Popular Researchers

1. Dr. Anthony Fauci - infectious diseases, immunology, and public health - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA | 2. Dr. Peter Piot - HIV/AIDS and global health - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK | 3. Dr. David Heymann - infectious disease control and prevention - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK | 4. Dr. Ada Yonath - structural biology of ribosomes and antibiotic resistance - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | 5. Dr. Barry Bloom - infectious diseases and global health - Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA | 6. Dr. John Bartlett - infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance - Duke University School of Medicine, USA | 7. Dr. Paul Offit - vaccine development and infectious diseases - Children\'s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA | 8. Dr. James Hildreth - HIV/AIDS and immunology - Meharry Medical College, USA | 9. Dr. Salim Abdool Karim - HIV/AIDS and infectious disease epidemiology - Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa, South Africa | 10. Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr - HIV/AIDS and global health - Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, USA | 11. Dr. Arturo Casadevall - fungal infections and immunology - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA | 12. Dr. Ralph Isberg - bacterial pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions - Tufts University School of Medicine, USA | 13. Dr. Carl Nathan - tuberculosis and antimicrobial resistance - Weill Cornell Medicine, USA | 14. Dr. Elaine Tuomanen - bacterial pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions - St. Jude Children\'s Research Hospital, USA | 15. Dr. Myron Cohen - HIV/AIDS and infectious disease epidemiology - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA | 16. Dr. Sharon Peacock - bacterial infections and genomics - University of Cambridge, UK | 17. Dr. Didier Raoult - emerging infectious diseases and microbiology - Aix-Marseille University, France | 18. Dr. Julie Pfeiffer - viral infections and host-pathogen interactions - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA | 19. Dr. Sten Vermund - infectious diseases and global health - Yale School of Public Health, USA | 20. Dr. Fredrick M. Mutuku - Neglected Tropical Diseases - Moi University, Kenya | 21. Dr. Anne Gatimu - Vaccine Epidemiology, Immunology and clinical research - KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, Kenya | 22. Dr. Martin Antonio - Pneumococcal Infections and Vaccines - LSHTM and WHO, UK | 23. Dr. Jeremy Farrar - emerging infectious diseases and global health - Wellcome Trust, UK | 24. Dr. Stanley Plotkin - vaccine development and immunology - University of Pennsylvania, USA | 25. Dr. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre - viral infections and host-pathogen interactions - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA | 26. Dr. Marcelo Laufer - pediatric infectious diseases - University of Virginia School of Medicine, USA | 27. Dr. Lindsay Grayson - infection control and antibiotic stewardship - Austin Health, Australia | 28. Dr. Karin Nielsen-Saines - HIV/AIDS and infectious disease epidemiology - University of California, Los Angeles, USA | 29. Dr. Robert Schooley - viral infections and antimicrobial resistance - University of California, San Diego, USA | 30. Dr. Raul Andino - viral infections and host-pathogen interactions - | 31. Dr. Anthony Fauci - Epidemiology, Immunology - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA | 32. Dr. Peter Piot - Virology, Microbiology - London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK | 33. Dr. Sharon Lewin - HIV, Immunology - The University of Melbourne, Australia | 34. Dr. Mark Wainberg - HIV, Virology - McGill University, Canada | 35. Dr. David Fidock - Malaria, Parasitology - Columbia University, USA | 36. Dr. Arturo Casadevall - Fungal Pathogenesis, Immunology - Johns Hopkins University, USA | 37. Dr. Margaret Hellard - Viral Hepatitis, Public Health - The Burnet Institute, Australia | 38. Dr. Stacey Schultz-Cherry - Influenza, Virology - St. Jude Children\'s Research Hospital, USA | 39. Dr. Adolfo García-Sastre - Influenza, Virology - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA | 40. Dr. Neal Halsey - Vaccinology, Public Health - Johns Hopkins University, USA | 41. Dr. David O\'Connor - HIV, Evolutionary Biology - University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA | 42. Dr. Kathryn Edwards - Vaccinology, Pediatrics - Vanderbilt University, USA | 43. Dr. Stanley Plotkin - Vaccinology, Immunology - University of Pennsylvania, USA | 44. Dr. Andrew Pekosz - Influenza, Virology - Johns Hopkins University, USA | 45. Dr. Sarah Gilbert - Vaccinology, Immunology - University of Oxford, UK | 46. Dr. Robert Gallo - Retroviruses, Immunology - Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA | 47. Dr. Jean-Laurent Casanova - Infectious Diseases, Genetics - The Rockefeller University, USA | 48. Dr. Susan Weiss - Coronavirus, Virology - Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA | 49. Dr. Dennis Burton - Immunology, Vaccine Design - Scripps Research, USA | 50. Dr. Andreas Baumler - Enteric Infections, Microbiology - University of California Davis, USA | 51. Dr. Myron Cohen - HIV, Infectious Diseases - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA | 52. Dr. B. Brett Finlay - Microbiology, Immunology - University of British Columbia, Canada | 53. Dr. Rino Rappuoli - Vaccinology, Microbiology - GlaxoSmithKline, Italy | 54. Dr. Hana M. El Sahly - Vaccinology, Infectious Diseases - Baylor College of Medicine, USA | 55. Dr. Luis Jodar - Vaccinology, Immunology - Sabin Vaccine Institute, USA | 56. Dr. Jean-Philippe Julien - Structural Biology, Virology - The Hospital for Sick Children, Canada | 57. Dr. Jonathan Eisen - Microbial Ecology, Genomics - University of California Davis, USA | 58. Dr. Jonathan Heeney - Vaccinology, Immunology - University of Cambridge, UK | 59. Dr. Yves Lévy - Vaccinology, Immunology - French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France | 60. Dr. Sallie Permar - Vaccinology, Virology - Duke University, USA | 61. Dr. Anita Shet - Tuberculosis, Infectious Diseases - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, | 62. Anthony Fauci - Immunology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA | 63. Shi Zhengli - Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, China | 64. Ralph Baric - Virology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA | 65. Myron Levine - Vaccine Development, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA | 66. Peter Piot - Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK | 67. Sarah Gilbert - Vaccine Development, University of Oxford, UK | 68. John Oxford - Virology, Queen Mary University of London, UK | 69. Albert Osterhaus - Virology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany | 70. Julie Gerberding - Public Health, University of California San Francisco, USA | 71. Ab Osterhaus - Virology, Erasmus Medical Center, Netherlands | 72. Bruce Aylward - Global Health, Dalhousie University, Canada | 73. Vincent Racaniello - Virology, Columbia University, USA | 74. Amesh Adalja - Infectious Disease Policy, Johns Hopkins University, USA | 75. Anne Gatignol - HIV Research, McGill University, Canada | 76. Martin Hibberd - Infectious Disease Genetics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK | 77. Alison McGeer - Infection Control, University of Toronto, Canada | 78. Peter Palese - Virology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA | 79. Jeremy Farrar - Global Health, University of Oxford, UK | 80. Rosanna Peeling - Diagnostic Innovation, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK | 81. Ian Lipkin - Microbiology, Columbia University, USA | 82. Arturo Casadevall - Immunology, Johns Hopkins University, USA | 83. Sunita Gakkhar - Antibiotic Resistance, Monash University, Australia | 84. Adolfo Garcia-Sastre - Virology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA | 85. Nancy Cox - Influenza Research, University of Chicago, USA | 86. John McCauley - Virology, The Francis Crick Institute, UK | 87. Peter Hotez - Vaccine Development, Baylor College of Medicine, USA | 88. Jürgen May - Emerging Infectious Diseases, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Germany | 89. Michael Osterholm - Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Minnesota, USA | 90. Dora Akunyili - Public Health, University of Nigeria, Nigeria | 91. John Edmunds - Infectious Disease Modelling, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK | 92. Marina Kvaskoff - Epidemiology, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, France | 93. Marc Lipsitch - Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Harvard University, USA | 94. Anne Rimoin - Emerging Infectious Diseases, University of California Los Angeles, USA | 95. Christopher Whitty - Global Health, University College London, UK | 96. Karl Friston - Mathematical Modelling, University College London, UK | 97. Rino Rappuoli - Vaccine Development, Siena University, Italy | 98. Steven Van Gucht - Virology, Sciensano, Belgium | 99. Peter Doherty - Immunology, University of Melbourne, Australia | 100. Gregory Poland - Vaccine Development, Mayo Clinic, USA


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Session Tracks

Conference Session Tracks 

Animal Infectious Diseases, Zoonosis | Antimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial Resistance | Antimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial Stewardship | Antimicrobials, Antibiotics, Antibacterial | Blood Stream Infections, Bacteremia, Septicemia, Blood Poisoning | Causes and Symptoms of Infectious Diseases | Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases | Ebola and Zika Viral Infections | Epidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases | Global Trends in Emerging Infectious Diseases | Hepatitis | Immunology of Infections | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Infectious Diseases Vaccines | Malaria | Mechanism of Resistance | Microbial Forensics and Molecular Basis of Bacteria | Microbial Pathogenesis and Virulence | Neuro Infectious Diseases | Nosocomial Infections, Hospital Acquired Infections, Health Care Associated Infections | Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Childhood Infectious Diseases | Plant Disease Modelling and Parameter Estimation | Sepsis, Septicemia | Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Infections | Surgical Site Infections | Treatment for Infectious Diseases | Tuberculosis | Types of Infectious Diseases | Urinary Tract Infections | Vaccines and Vaccination | Others

Target Audience

Targeted Audience

Infectious Diseases providers, Infectious Diseases professionals, Infectious Diseases Administrators, Physicians, Business Analyst, Data Analyst, Infectious Diseases Consulting firms, Infectious Diseases Investors, Infectious Diseases specialists, Infectious Diseases Workers, Infectious Diseases technology companies, Infectious Diseases Societies /NGO’s, Infectious Diseases Organizations, Public Health Professionals, Medical Lab Technicians, Community Infectious Workers, Primary Care Providers, Social Workers, Foundation Leaders, Direct Service Providers, Policymakers, Researchers, Academicians

Target Countries

Targeted Countries 

Afghanistan|  Albania| Algeria| Andorra | Angola| Antigua and Barbuda|  Argentina|  Armenia| Australia|  Austria|  Azerbaijan|  Bahamas|  Bahrain|  Bangladesh| Barbado|  Belarus| Belgium|  Belize|  Benin|  Bhutan| Bolivia|  Bosnia and Herzegovina|  Botswana|  Brazil|  Brunei|  Bulgaria|  Burkina Faso|  Burundi|  Cabo Verde|  Cambodia|  Cameroon|  Canada|  Central African Republic|  Chad| Chile|  China|  Colombia|  Comoros| Democratic Republic of the Congo|  Republic of the Congo| Costa Rica|  Cote d'Ivoire|  Croatia| Cuba|  Cyprus| Czech Republic|  Denmark|  Djibouti| Dominica| Dominican Republic|  Ecuador|  Egypt|  El Salvador|  Equatorial Guinea|  Eritrea| Estonia| Eswatini| Ethiopia|  Fiji|  Finland|  France| Gabon| Gambia|  Georgia| Germany|  Ghana| Greece|  Grenada| Guatemala|  Guinea|  Guinea-Bissau|  Guyana|  Haiti| Honduras|  Hungary|  Iceland|  India|  Indonesia|  Iran|  Iraq|  Ireland|  Israel|  Italy|  Jamaica|  Japan|  Jordan|  Kazakhstan| Kenya|  Kiribati|  Kosovo|  Kuwait|  Kyrgyzstan|  Laos|  Latvia|  Lebanon|  Lesotho|  Liberia| Libya|  Liechtenstein| Lithuania| Luxembourg| Madagascar|  Malawi|  Malaysia| Maldives|  Mali|  Malta|  Marshall Islands|  Mauritania|  Mauritius|  Mexico|  Micronesia|  Moldova|  Monaco|  Mongolia|  Montenegro|  Morocco|  Mozambique|  Myanmar (Burma)|  Namibia|  Nauru|  Nepal|  Netherlands|  New Zealand| Nicaragua|  Niger|  Nigeria|  North Korea|  North Macedonia|  Norway|  Oman|  Pakistan|  Palau|  Panama|  Papua New Guinea|  Paraguay|  Peru|  Philippines|  Poland|  Portugal|  Qatar|  Romania|  Russia| Rwanda|  Saint Kitts and Nevis|  Saint Lucia|  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|  Samoa|  San Marino|  Sao Tome and Principe|  Saudi Arabia|  Senegal|  Serbia|  Seychelles|  Sierra Leone|  Singapore|  Slovakia|  Slovenia|  Solomon Islands|  Somalia|  South Africa|  South Korea|  South Sudan|  Spain| Sri Lanka|  Sudan|  Suriname|  Sweden|  Switzerland| Syria|  Taiwan|  Tajikistan|  Tanzania|  Thailand| Timor-Leste|  Togo|  Tonga|  Trinidad and Tobago| Tunisia| Turkey| Turkmenistan| Tuvalu| Uganda|  Ukraine|  United Arab Emirates|United Kingdom| United States|  Uruguay|  Uzbekistan|  Vanuatu| Vatican City| Venezuela| Vietnam| Yemen|  Zambia|  Zimbabwe.

Flag Counter

Target Universities

Target Universities

Harvard University - Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Johns Hopkins University - Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
University of California, San Francisco - Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Pennsylvania - Division of Infectious Diseases
Duke University - Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Washington - Department of Global Health
Emory University - Department of Epidemiology
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Division of Infectious Diseases
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Department of Epidemiology
University of Texas at Austin - Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Target Companies

Target Companies

Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
Medical device companies
Academic and research institutions
Government agencies and public health organizations
Healthcare providers
Non-profit organizations

Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for international conferences on infectious diseases was steadily growing, with an increasing number of events being held every year. These conferences typically attract a wide range of attendees, including researchers, clinicians, public health professionals, policymakers, and industry representatives. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for infectious disease conferences has been greatly impacted. Many conferences have been cancelled or postponed due to travel restrictions and safety concerns. However, some events have transitioned to virtual formats, allowing attendees from around the world to participate remotely. In general, the market for virtual conferences has grown significantly over the past year, as organizations have had to adapt to the new realities of the pandemic. Virtual conferences offer a number of advantages, including reduced costs and increased accessibility, which may lead to more widespread participation and engagement. Looking ahead, it is likely that the market for international conferences on infectious diseases will continue to evolve in response to the ongoing pandemic and other emerging infectious disease threats. Virtual formats may become more common, but in-person events are also likely to return as safety conditions improve. Additionally, there may be increased demand for conferences that focus specifically on COVID-19 and other emerging infectious diseases.

Renowned Speakers

We have invited most influential Speakers from around the world to give inspirational talks and workshops.

Prof. Farzaneh Mohammadi

Prof. Farzaneh Mohammadi

Isfahan university of medical sciences, Iran

I am Farzaneh Mohammadi, I have PhD in environmental engineering. Master of Environmental Civil Engineering and bachelor degree in Civil Engineering. I am currently an assistant pr

Prof. Farzaneh Mohammadi

Isfahan university of medical sciences, Iran

Prof Dr. Nour Shafik El-Gendy

Prof Dr. Nour Shafik El-Gendy

Egyptian Petrol. Res. Institute, Egypt

Dr. Nour Shafik El-Gendy is a Professor in the field of Environmental Sciences and Nanobiotechnology. She is Head Manager of Petroleum Biotechnology Lab., Former Acting and Vice He

Prof Dr. Nour Shafik El-Gendy

Egyptian Petrol. Res. Institute, Egypt

Prof. Dr. Irwin De Menezes

Prof. Dr. Irwin De Menezes

Regional University of Cariri, Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1997), Master in pharmaceutical Sciences from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2000), Doctorate in chemistry f

Prof. Dr. Irwin De Menezes

Regional University of Cariri, Brazil

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Fatehizadeh

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Fatehizadeh

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

I, Ali Fatehizadeh received my BSc. and MSc. degrees in 2007 and 2011, respectively, both in Environmental Health Engineering, from the Tehran University of Medical Science (TUMS)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Fatehizadeh

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Award Categories

Researcher Awards

Young Scientist Award | Best Researcher Award | Outstanding Scientist Award | Lifetime achievement Award | Women Researcher Award | Best Faculty Award | Best Scholar Award

Institute/ Organization Awards

Excellence in Innovation | Excellence in Research | Excellence Award (Any Scientific field) | Best Research /Innovation Extension activity

Award Subject Tracks

Animal Infectious Diseases, Zoonosis | Antimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial Resistance | Antimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial Stewardship | Antimicrobials, Antibiotics, Antibacterials | Blood Stream Infections, Bacteraemia, Septicaemia, Blood Poisoning | Causes and Symptoms of Infectious Diseases | Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases | Ebola and Zika Viral Infections | Epidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases | Global Trends in Emerging Infectious Diseases | Hepatitis | Immunology of Infections | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Infectious Diseases Vaccines | Malaria | Mechanism of Resistance | Microbial Forensics and Molecular Basis of Bacteria | Microbial Pathogenesis and Virulence | Neuro Infectious Diseases | Nosocomial Infections, Hospital Acquired Infections, Health Care-Associated Infections | Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Childhood Infectious Diseases | Plant Disease Modelling and Parameter Estimation | Sepsis, Septicaemia | Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Infections | Surgical Site Infections | Treatment for Infectious Diseases | Tuberculosis | Types of Infectious Diseases | Urinary Tract Infections | Vaccines and Vaccination | Others






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