Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
MrElliotNyagumboMidlands State UniversityZimbabweMedicinal plants used for the management of respiratory diseases in Zimbabwe: Review and perspectives potential management of COVID-19
DrSubashPS.A Raja Pharmacy CollegeIndiaIn silico exploration for anti-Alzheimer's compounds from Erythroxylum monogynum
Assoc Prof DrSenthilRethinamEge UniversityTurkeyCollagen/physiologically clotted fibrin-based nanobioscaffold supported with silver nanoparticles: A novel approach
DrSirousSadeghian ChaleshtoriUniversity of TehranIranThe importance of ARDS modeling in the development of modern therapies
MrsYuliaTrukhanovaSt. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and PharmacyRussiaAttestation of the primary standard sample of a potential antiviral agent
DrMahboobUl HaqNational TB Control Program, PakistanPakistanExtending contact screening within a 50-meter radius of an index tuberculosis patient using Xpert MTB/RIF in urban Pakistan: Did it impact treatment outcomes?
Prof DrHosseinYousofi DaraniIsfahan university of medical sciencesIranAnti-Toxoplasma Antibodies sharply attach to human breast cancer tissues but not to normal ones
Prof DrMinYueInstitute of Preventive Veterinary MedicineChinaPrecision Food Safety: An Approach to Multi-Drug Resistance Foodborne Bacterial Clone
MrSamuelZewudieMizan-Tepi UniversityEthiopiaTraditional Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Tuberculosis in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
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