Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
DrHuang-ChungChenKaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial HospitalTaiwanBundled skin antiseptic preparation for complex cardiac implantable electronic device infection: a propensity-score matching cohort study
Prof DrHosseinYousofi DaraniIsfahan university of medical sciencesIranAnti-Toxoplasma Antibodies sharply attach to human breast cancer tissues but not to normal ones
MrFernandoCastroCenter for Mineral Technology CETEMBrazilIncidences of COVID-19 in mining municipalities from the Amazon
DrERICMUTEGOAUNIVERSITY OF DODOMATanzaniaEffect of Mixing ratios of Natural Inorgani Aditives in Removing Ammonia and Sulfide during Anaerobic Digestion of Slaughterhouse Waste
MrElliotNyagumboMidlands State UniversityZimbabweMedicinal plants used for the management of respiratory diseases in Zimbabwe: Review and perspectives potential management of COVID-19
Prof DrBrianHeadUC San DiegoUnited StatesSynapsin-caveolin-1 gene therapy preserves neuronal and synaptic morphology and prevents neurodegeneration in a mouse model of AD
DrAzmeiliaLubisENT Department Universitas Sumatera UtaraIndonesiaThe effect of honey on post-tonsillectomy pain relief: a randomized clinical trial
DrAnouarHafianeMcGill UniversityCanadaApolipoprotein A-I carboxy-terminal domain residues 187-243 are required for adiponectin-induced cholesterol efflux
Assist Prof DrAlaaNahhasKing Abdulaziz UniversitySaudi ArabiaPassivating the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant with self-assembled nano peptides: Specificity, stability, and no cytotoxicity
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
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