Dr | Subash | P | S.A Raja Pharmacy College | India | In silico exploration for anti-Alzheimer's compounds from Erythroxylum monogynum |
Mrs | Yulia | Trukhanova | St. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and Pharmacy | Russia | Attestation of the primary standard sample of a potential antiviral agent |
Mr | Mohammad Reza | Mohammadi | Tarbiat Modares University | Afghanistan | Frequency of [aac(6’)-Ie-aph(2”)] gene and aminoglycosids drug resistance in clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates by two phenotype and molecular methods |
Prof Dr | Brian | Head | UC San Diego | United States | Synapsin-caveolin-1 gene therapy preserves neuronal and synaptic morphology and prevents neurodegeneration in a mouse model of AD |
Dr | Kiran | Modi | Udayan Care | India | Breaking the link between educational exclusion and social boundaries: Making a Difference |
Mr | Md. Tahidul | Islam | University of Barishal | Bangladesh | Ethnobotanical study of plants used by the Munda ethnic group living around the Sundarbans, the world's largest mangrove forest in southwestern Bangladesh |
Dr | Mohammad | Ashfaq | University of Concepcion, Chile | Chile | A novel bimetallic (Fe/Bi)-povidone-iodine micro-flowers composite for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications |
Dr | ERIC | MUTEGOA | UNIVERSITY OF DODOMA | Tanzania | Effect of Mixing ratios of Natural Inorgani Aditives in Removing Ammonia and Sulfide during Anaerobic Digestion of Slaughterhouse Waste |
Dr | Sirous | Sadeghian Chaleshtori | University of Tehran | Iran | The importance of ARDS modeling in the development of modern therapies |