Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
DrSachinKumarIndian Veterinary Research Institute,Izatnagar-243122,IndiaIndiaDetection of acaricides resistance in cattle ticks population from the Haryana state and Development of Strategies to Improve Surveillance and their control
MrLouisEzediunoBiodata Analytical LabNigeriaDesigning multi-epitope subunit vaccine for ocular trachoma infection using Chlamydia trachomatis polymorphic membrane proteins G
Assoc Prof DrSenthilRethinamEge UniversityTurkeyCollagen/physiologically clotted fibrin-based nanobioscaffold supported with silver nanoparticles: A novel approach
DrHuang-ChungChenKaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial HospitalTaiwanBundled skin antiseptic preparation for complex cardiac implantable electronic device infection: a propensity-score matching cohort study
DrKiranModiUdayan CareIndiaBreaking the link between educational exclusion and social boundaries: Making a Difference
MrsYuliaTrukhanovaSt. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and PharmacyRussiaAttestation of the primary standard sample of a potential antiviral agent
DrAnouarHafianeMcGill UniversityCanadaApolipoprotein A-I carboxy-terminal domain residues 187-243 are required for adiponectin-induced cholesterol efflux
Prof DrHosseinYousofi DaraniIsfahan university of medical sciencesIranAnti-Toxoplasma Antibodies sharply attach to human breast cancer tissues but not to normal ones
DrMohammadAshfaqUniversity of Concepcion, ChileChileA novel bimetallic (Fe/Bi)-povidone-iodine micro-flowers composite for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
Conference Speakers