Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
MrFernandoCastroCenter for Mineral Technology CETEMBrazilIncidences of COVID-19 in mining municipalities from the Amazon
MrMohammad RezaMohammadiTarbiat Modares UniversityAfghanistan Frequency of [aac(6’)-Ie-aph(2”)] gene and aminoglycosids drug resistance in clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates by two phenotype and molecular methods
MrElliotNyagumboMidlands State UniversityZimbabweMedicinal plants used for the management of respiratory diseases in Zimbabwe: Review and perspectives potential management of COVID-19
MrsYuliaTrukhanovaSt. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and PharmacyRussiaAttestation of the primary standard sample of a potential antiviral agent
MrsSanahFarooqGovernment Medical college, SrinagarIndiaHBV, HCV and HIV seroprevalence in patients undergoing surgery
MsLine PamphileLOBALOBA INGOBAFONDATION CONGOLAISE POUR LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FCRM)Congo, Republic of theSeroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a population living in Bomassa village, Republic of Congo
Prof DrMinYueInstitute of Preventive Veterinary MedicineChinaPrecision Food Safety: An Approach to Multi-Drug Resistance Foodborne Bacterial Clone
Prof DrBrianHeadUC San DiegoUnited StatesSynapsin-caveolin-1 gene therapy preserves neuronal and synaptic morphology and prevents neurodegeneration in a mouse model of AD
Prof DrHosseinYousofi DaraniIsfahan university of medical sciencesIranAnti-Toxoplasma Antibodies sharply attach to human breast cancer tissues but not to normal ones
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
Conference Speakers