Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
Prof DrLóránt DénesDávidJohn von Neumann UniversityTreatment for Infectious DiseasesHungaryBest Researcher Award
Prof DrLóránt DénesDr. DávidJohn von Neumann UniversityInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureHungaryBest Researcher Award
ProfKlimovaElenaState Institution “Zaycev V.T. Institute of General and Urgent Surgery of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”Immunology of InfectionsUkraineBest Researcher Award
DrChien ChiehHsiehNational Taiwan UniversityInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureTaiwanBest Researcher Award
MrNestor AgustinGuity ZapataSwinburne University of TechnologyMechanism of ResistanceAustraliaBest Researcher Award
MrMd.Abdul HalimInstitute of Science Trade and Technology, Dhaka-1216, BangladeshothersBangladeshBest Researcher Award
DrJunHaoNortheastern UniversityInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureChinaBest Researcher Award
DrPEDROCRUGEIRACentro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO), Instituto Politécnico de BragançaAntimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial ResistancePortugalBest Researcher Award
MrsNARIMANELAMMARIuniversity constantine 3othersAlgeriaBest Researcher Award
ProfLiyunZhangNankai UniversityDiagnosis of Infectious DiseasesChinaBest Researcher Award
DrABDESSELAMMAKHLOUFILaboratory of biopharmacy and pharmacotechnics. Ufas1. Sétif, Industrial engineering department, Khenchla University, AlgeriaothersAlgeriaBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrSohaSenarafaculty of medicine Fayoum universtyEpidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious DiseasesEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrVladimirKuimovA. E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of SciencesTreatment for Infectious DiseasesRussiaBest Researcher Award
ProfFaroukLaabassiUniversity of Batna-1Animal Infectious Diseases, ZoonosisAlgeriaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMarziaCaproniSection of Dermatology, University of FlorenceImmunology of InfectionsItalyBest Researcher Award
DrchaoukiBenabdessalemInstitut Pasteur de TunisDiagnosis of Infectious DiseasesTunisiaBest Researcher Award
MrTasnim MuradMamunKhulna UniversityInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureBangladeshBest Researcher Award
DrCharlesKihiaEgerton UniversityEpidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious DiseasesKenyaBest Researcher Award
DrRaulMontalvo OtivoHospital Daniel Alcides Carrion, HuancayoCauses and Symptoms of Infectious DiseasesPeruBest Researcher Award
DrÖzgeSoylu-EterIstanbul University Faculty of PharmacyTreatment for Infectious DiseasesTurkeyBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
Award Winners