Prof Dr | Jose M | Miro | Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Spain | Blood Stream Infections, Bacteraemia, Septicaemia, Blood Poisoning | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | John S. | Lambert | University College Dublin/ Mater Misericordiae University Hospital | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Ireland | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Deyani | Nocedo-Mena | Autonomous University of Nuevo Léon | Treatment for Infectious Diseases | Mexico | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Alfredo | Bardaji | Hospital Joan XXIII | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Eloy | Espin-Basany | Hospital Valle de Hebron | Surgical Site Infections | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Edel | Noriega Álvarez | University Hospital of Ciudad Real | Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | subhas s | karki | kle college of pharmacy-bengaluru | others | India | Best Researcher Award |
Prof Dr | Omar | Kherad | Hôpital de la Tour | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Switzerland | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Hani | Abdelhamid | Assiut University | Vaccines and Vaccination | Egypt | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Sonal Sekhar | Miraj | Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Treatment for Infectious Diseases | India | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Giuseppe | Castaldo | University of Naples Federico II | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Italy | Best Researcher Award |
Ms | Celia | Moffat Joel Matyanga | University of Zimbabwe | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Zimbabwe | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Wilson | Kaumbata | Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) | Animal Infectious Diseases, Zoonosis | Malawi | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Mohammad | Rahimzadeh | Innovai | Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases | Iran | Best Researcher Award |
Ms | Mariana | Ferreira | Federal University of Bahia | Infectious Diseases Vaccines | Brazil | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | Şaban | Keleşoğlu | Erciyes University | others | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Celal | Satici | University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Yedikule Chest Disease and Chest Surgery Research and Training Hospital | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc Prof Dr | Aclan | Ozder | Bezmialem Vakif University | Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Farag | Kuwil | Karabuk University | Microbial Forensics and Molecular Basis of Bacteria | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Prof | Syed | Mohyud-Din | University of Multan | others | Pakistan | Best Researcher Award |