Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
DrZahraMohammadTexas A&M UniversityTreatment for Infectious DiseasesUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrPRAKASHAKEMPAIAHMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FloridaInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
ProfVirenderSharmaTexas A&M UnivrsityAntimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial ResistanceUnited StatesBest Research Award
DrSherryLaytonBV ScienceAnimal Infectious Diseases, ZoonosisUnited StatesBest Research Award
DrHaider H.DarUniversity of PittsburghMicrobial Pathogenesis and VirulenceUnited StatesBest Research Award
DrKaimingBiUT AustinEbola and Zika Viral InfectionsUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
Prof DrTongWangUniv of TehnnesseeothersUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
MsEmilyZamoraUniversity of Louisiana School of Veterinary MedicineInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrRenuka Ananth KalyanKadaliHarnett Health System and Campbell UniversityVaccines and VaccinationUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMahaAl MozainiKFSHRCInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrMohammedAzabBoise State UniversityNeuro Infectious DiseasesUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
ProfJiuzhouSongUniversity of MarylandImmunology of InfectionsUnited StatesExcellence in Research
DrMirlaAvilaTexas TechImmunology of InfectionsUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
MsEstherLeeOtolaryngology Department- George Washington University Medical Faculty AssociatesothersUnited StatesBest Research Award
DrXueyingYANGUniversity of South CarolinaEpidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious DiseasesUnited StatesBest Research Award
DrNourridineSieweRochester Institute of TechnologyInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrAhmadMahdiUniversity of Kansas- WichitaInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Research Award
Assoc Prof Drmarkosbornuniversity of minnesotaInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
ProfMariaDe JesusSchool of International Service, American UniversitySexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted InfectionsUnited StatesBest Research Award
ProfMichaelBukrinskyGWU SMHSImmunology of InfectionsUnited StatesOutstanding Scientist Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for


Dr. Hanan Aati works as professor assistant in Pharmacy college, Pharmacognosy department in king Saud University, Saudi Arabia. She field of interest is Natural products isolation, chemistry and their biological ...activities studies including pure compounds and essential oils as well as marine. She has many publications and get first place in the Research Excellence Award from King Saud University 2016.
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