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Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
MrsMarwaAl-AttarMustansiriyah UniversityothersIraqBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof Drmarkosbornuniversity of minnesotaInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
ProfMario HenryRodriguezInstituto Nacional de Salud PúblicaMalariaMexicoBest Researcher Award
MsMariemjobraneLuxembourg Institute of Science and Technology LISTTreatment for Infectious DiseasesLuxembourgBest Researcher Award
MsMarianaFerreiraFederal University of BahiaInfectious Diseases VaccinesBrazilBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMaría IsabelColomboIHEM-UNCUYO-CONICETInfectious Diseases VaccinesArgentinaExcellence in Research
DrMaria del ValleRafoInstituto de Investigaciones en Energia No Convencional- Universidad Nacional de SaltaInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureArgentinaBest Researcher Award
MsMaria AnnaNakasiNational and Kapodistrian Univercity of AthensothersGreeceBest Researcher Award
ProfMariaDe JesusSchool of International Service, American UniversitySexually Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted InfectionsUnited StatesBest Research Award
Prof DrMaríaCorrea-RodríguezUniversity of GranadaCauses and Symptoms of Infectious DiseasesSpainWomen Researcher Award
MrsMaríaAlvarengaUniversity of PernambucoNoscomial Infections, Hospital Acquired Infections, Health Care Associated InfectionsBrazilBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMargareteTeresa Gottardo de AlmeidaMedical School of São José do Rio Preto - FAMERPMicrobial Pathogenesis and VirulenceBrazilBest Research Award
MrMarcoGontijoUniversidade Estadual de CampinasAntimicrobials, Antibiotics, AntibacterialsBrazilBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMarcelaCarneiro-RamosFederal University of ABCothersBrazilOutstanding Scientist Award
DrManh HungNguyenInstitute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and TechnologyInfectious Diseases Prevention, Control and CureVietnamBest Researcher Award
MsMahsaNaseriMonash University - Civil Engineering DepartmentothersAustraliaBest Researcher Award
MrMahmudulHasanSylhet Agricultural UniversityImmunology of InfectionsBangladeshBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMahmoudRoushaniIlam UniversityothersIranBest Research Award
Assist Prof DrMahmoudELSAYEDFaculty of engineering Aswan universityothersEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrMahmoudMoursyFaculty of Science-Alexandria universityothersEgyptBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for

