Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
MrMubarakHussaini AhmadAhmadu Bello UniversityTreatment for Infectious DiseasesNigeriaYoung Scientist Award
DrKasiGopinathSchool of Materials and Energy,Southwest UniversityAntimicrobials, Antibiotics, AntibacterialsChinaYoung Scientist Award
MsAmarachiOnyenaNigeria Maritime University OkerenkokoothersNigeriaYoung Scientist Award
DrNejibJebliCarthage University, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte/ Zarzouna 7021, Laboratory of Hetero-Organic Compounds and Nanostructured Materials (LR18ES11),TUNISIAAntimicrobials, Antibiotics, AntibacterialsTunisiaYoung Scientist Award
MrNeaz A.HasanBangladesh Agricultural UniversityAnimal Infectious Diseases, ZoonosisBangladeshYoung Scientist Award
DrTeshomeDegefaJimma UniversityMalariaEthiopiaYoung Scientist Award
MrIVANSSEGUYAMakerere UniversityAnimal Infectious Diseases, ZoonosisUgandaYoung Scientist Award
MrsVitaMeylaniUniversitas SiliwangiMicrobial Pathogenesis and VirulenceIndonesiaYoung Scientist Award
MrMahamudulHasanSylhet Agricultural University, BangladeshothersBangladeshYoung Scientist Award
MrMohammadMehmandoustAnkara UniversityDiagnosis of Infectious DiseasesTurkeyYoung Scientist Award
DrDavid JauresFotsa-MbogneThe University of NgaoundereEpidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious DiseasesCameroonYoung Scientist Award
DrSergioGarcía GarcíaHospital Universitario río hortegaNeuro Infectious DiseasesSpainYoung Scientist Award
DrRoyaMirzaeiMotamed Cancer InstituteVaccines and VaccinationIranYoung Scientist Award
Assist Prof DrXavierHUMBERTCaen Normandy UniversityothersFranceYoung Scientist Award
MrKasimAllelLSHTMAntimicrobial, Antibiotic, Antibacterial ResistanceUnited KingdomYoung Scientist Award
Assist Prof DrFereshtehJookar Kashiuniversity of KashanAntimicrobials, Antibiotics, AntibacterialsIranWomen Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrDuaaAl-MaghairehIrbid National UniversityothersJordanWomen Researcher Award
DrSasitornChusriMae Fah Luang universityTreatment for Infectious DiseasesThailandWomen Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrSaraAbdel-HakeemAssiut UniversityEpidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious DiseasesEgyptWomen Researcher Award
Prof DrNour ShafikEl-GendyEgyptian Petrol. Res. InstituteothersEgyptWomen Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for


Dr. Hanan Aati works as professor assistant in Pharmacy college, Pharmacognosy department in king Saud University, Saudi Arabia. She field of interest is Natural products isolation, chemistry and their biological ...activities studies including pure compounds and essential oils as well as marine. She has many publications and get first place in the Research Excellence Award from King Saud University 2016.
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