Conference Speakers

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
Prof DrMinYueInstitute of Preventive Veterinary MedicineChinaPrecision Food Safety: An Approach to Multi-Drug Resistance Foodborne Bacterial Clone
MsLine PamphileLOBALOBA INGOBAFONDATION CONGOLAISE POUR LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (FCRM)Congo, Republic of theSeroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a population living in Bomassa village, Republic of Congo
Prof DrBrianHeadUC San DiegoUnited StatesSynapsin-caveolin-1 gene therapy preserves neuronal and synaptic morphology and prevents neurodegeneration in a mouse model of AD
DrAzmeiliaLubisENT Department Universitas Sumatera UtaraIndonesiaThe effect of honey on post-tonsillectomy pain relief: a randomized clinical trial
DrOsmanElmahiHull University Hospitals NHS TrustUnited KingdomThe fight against the COVID-19 pandemic: vaccination challenges in Sudan.
DrSirousSadeghian ChaleshtoriUniversity of TehranIranThe importance of ARDS modeling in the development of modern therapies
MrSamuelZewudieMizan-Tepi UniversityEthiopiaTraditional Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Tuberculosis in Ethiopia: A Systematic Review
DrROMEOGICHOHIMBARARA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYUgandaUltrasound virtual skills based workshop: An African experience in the COVID era
MrMohammad RezaMohammadiTarbiat Modares UniversityAfghanistan Frequency of [aac(6’)-Ie-aph(2”)] gene and aminoglycosids drug resistance in clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates by two phenotype and molecular methods
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
Infectious Diseases Conference

Past Presentations

This speech delivered by Assist Prof Dr. Mosayeb Rostamian, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

International Research Awards on Infectious Diseases
Nomination Link:

#candidainfection #infectiousconference #researchevent #virologyresearch #worldhealthconference #worldhealthsummit #bacterial

Call for paper

Call for Best Doctor award conference Original Articles/papers are invited from Industry Persons, Scientist, Academician, Research Scholars, P.G. & U.G. Students for presentation in our International Conference. All articles/papers must be in MS-Word (.doc or .docx) format, including the title, Authors name, affiliation of all authors, e-mail, abstract, keywords, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References.

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Abstract/Full Paper submission

Final/Full Paper submission is optional: If you don't want your Abstract/full paper to be published in the Conference Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number) and only want to present it at the conference, it is acceptable.

Page limit: There is a limit of 6-8 pages for a final/full paper. Additional page is chargeable.

Paper language: Final/Full papers should be in English.

Templates: "Final paper template," "Final abstract template"

All the final papers should be uploaded to website online system according to "the final paper template" as word doc. or docx, since this will be the camera ready published version. Please note that final papers that are not uploaded to online System as a word doc./docx after the opening of final paper submissions according to the template above will not be published in the CONFERENCE Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number)